Design and Implementation of a Personal Calendar with a Natural Language Interface in Turkish
(Turkish Speaking Assistant)

Sadi Evren SEKER

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1. Introduction


NLP (Natural Language Processing) aims to provide an effective communication interface between human-beings and computer systems that has a very large scope based on different application areas and languages. NLP programs convert natural language sentences into a form that computers can handle by using morphological, syntactic and semantic analyses, which are usually performed separately but operate in coordination. We have implemented an interface for saving and querying appointments via Turkish sentences using a utilized infrastructure.


The developed program TuSA (Turkish Speaking Assistant) as the name implies fetches Turkish sentences containing information the appointments and applies morphological, syntactic and semantic analysis to convert them into logical formulas. This program provides a way to query the desired appointment data set by parsing these formulas. Although this program based on a utilizing infrastructure it has its own.


To avoid an ambiguity, at the beginning of the report we want to declare the terminology about appointments. In any part of this thesis the term appointment means a record in calendar database. Its subject can be a meeting, a dinner, an interview or anything else. But the term meeting is always used to mean a subject of appointment.


2. Literature Survey on Conversational Systems

First, we will discuss some concepts and previous work related to our thesis. There are two main issues in this thesis.





2.1. Natural Language Programming & Machine Learning:

One of the main issues in TuSA is its natural language interface. Users can enter natural sentences to teach the date, time, subject or location of their appointments. The following sections cover previous studies on these fields.


2.1.1 The Turing Test


The Turing Test was introduced by Alan M. Turing (1912-1954) as "the imitation game" in his 1950 article, which he began by the following sentence [4]

I propose to consider the question "Can machines think?" This should begin with definitions of the meaning of the terms "machine" and "think."


Turing Test is meant to determine if a computer program has intelligence. Quoting Turing, the original imitation game can be described as follows:


It is played with three people, a man (A), a woman (B), and an interrogator (C) who may be of either sex. The interrogator stays in a room apart from the other two. The object of the game for the interrogator is to determine which of the other two is the man and which is the woman. He knows them by labels X and Y, and at the end of the game he says either "X is A and Y is B" or "X is B and Y is A." The interrogator is allowed to put questions to A and B.


When talking about the Turing Test today what is generally understood is the following: The interrogator is connected to one person and one machine via a terminal, therefore can't see her counterparts. Her task is to find out which of the two candidates is the machine, and which is the human only by asking them questions. If the machine can "fool" the interrogator, it is intelligent.

This test has been subject to different kinds of criticism and has been at the heart of many discussions in AI, philosophy and cognitive science for the past 50 years. [5]





2.1.2. ELIZA


ELIZA is a program operating which makes certain kinds of natural language conversation between man and computer possible. Input sentences are analyzed on the basis of decomposition rules which are triggered by keywords appearing in the input text. Responses are generated by reassembly rules associated with selected decomposition rules. The fundamental technical problems with which ELIZA is concerned are:

1.      the identification of key words,

2.      the discovery of minimal context,

3.      the choice of appropriate transformations,

4.      generation of responses in the absence of key words, and

5.      the provision of an editing capability for ELIZA "scripts


When in conversation with ELIZA, the user types in some statement or set of statements in natural language using normal punctuation and sentence structures. ELIZA It then analyzes the user's statement and generates some response which it types out.. Control is then again with the user.[5]



A sample dialog with ELIZA is shown below:


Men are all alike


They�re always bugging us about something or other


Well, my boyfriend made me come here


H says I�m depressed much of the time


It�s true. I am unhappy.


I need some help, that much seems certain.


Perhaps I could learn to get along with my mother.


My mother takes care of me


My father


You are like my father in some ways.


You are not very aggressive but I think you don�t want me to notice that


You don�t argue with me


You are afraid of me


My father is afraid of everybody




Figure 2.1 A sample dialog from ELIZA









2.1.3. TOY


The TOY conversation application and its corresponding natural language infrastructure, developed as �etinoğlu�s M.S. thesis [2], form the basis of our system. The lexicon and morphological, syntactical and semantic layers of TOY have been used as the infrastructure of our program. Modifications and developments on these layers have been done by following the approaches adopted in [2], such as morpheme representation, DCG formalism and knowledge base querying.



Canan uyudu mu (Did Canan fall asleep?)

Bilmiyorum (I don�t know)

Kemal uyudu mu? (Did Kemal fall asleep?)

Evet, Kemal uyudu (Yes, Kemal fell asleep)

Canan kucuk bir cocuktur. Kemal kucuk bir cocuktur. Butun kucuk cocuklar 10 saat uyurlar. (Canan is a little child. Kemal is a little child. All little children sleep for 10 hours.)

Kemal ne zaman uyudu? (When did Kemal fall asleep?)

Kemal yirmi��te uyudu (Kemal fell asleep at 23 o�clock.)

Kemal ne zaman uyandi (When did Kemal wake up?)

Kemal saat 9�da uyandi (Kemal woke up at 9 o�clock.)


Canan kahvaltida ne yiyecek? (What will Canan eat in the breakfast?)

Bilmiyorum (I don�t know.)

Canan kahvaltida peynir,ekmek,zeytin yiyecek (Canan will eat some cheese, bread, olive in the breakfast.)

Tesekkurler ogrendim (Thanks, I learned.)

Kucuk cocuklar haric herkes kahvaltida cay icer (Everybody except little children drink tea in the breakfast.)

Canan kahvaltida ne icecek? (What will Canan drink in the breakfast? )

Bilmiyorum (I don�t know.)

Canan kahvaltida cay icecek mi? (Will Canan drink tea in the breakfast? )

Bilmiyorum (I don�t know.)


Kac kisi kahvaltida cay icmeyecek? (How many people will not drink tea in the breakfast?)

Bilmiyorum (I don�t know.)

Kim kahvaltida cay icmeyecek? (Who will not drink tea in the breakfast? )

Bilmiyorum (I don�t know.)

Kac kisi kahvaltida peynir,ekmek,zeytin yiyecek? (How many people will eat some cheese, bread, olive in the breakfast?)

Bir kisi kahvaltida peynir,zeytin,ekmek yiyecek (One person will eat some cheese, bread, olive in the breakfast.)       Kim kahvaltida peynir,ekmek,zeytin yiyecek? (Who will eat some cheese, bread, olive in the breakfast?)

Canan kahvaltida peynir,ekmek,zeytin yiyecek. (Canan will eat some cheese, bread, olive in the breakfast)

Figure 2.2.Target scenario of TOY


The morphological, structure of TOY have been adopted as a basis in our thesis.


2.2. Calendar Programming& Calendar Databases


Under this subject we will discuss another face of TuSA. As mentioned previously, TuSA is an agenda to keep the appointments and answer when queried. The following studies are about calendar programming. Unfortunately there is no calendar program with a natural language programming interface.


2.2.1. Outlook-Calendar


Outlook is a personal agenda, which can track the appointments [3]. Although it has many functions such as contacts or mails, calendar module is strongly related to our thesis studies. TuSA and Outlook have strong relations on their designs. By the nature of an appointment fields of information are almost the same.

Figure 2.3 Outlook Appointment Insertion Interface



A simple appointment in Outlook, keeps the following data (Figure 2.4.):

  1. Subject
  2. Location
  3. Contacts
  4. Date
  5. Start Time
  6. End Time
  7. Category
  8. Reminder
  9. Recurring (Figure 2.5.)

9.1.  Recurrence Pattern (Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly)

9.2.  Start of Recurrence

9.3.  End of Recurrence

Above information is from the user interface of Outlook. There is no detailed information about the database scheme or functionally dependent areas in neither web site nor documentation of Outlook. For example given the start time and the duration, you can compute the end time, and vice versa.

Figure 2.4. Outlook Recurring Appointment Insertion Interface


2.2.2. Korganizer:


In contrast to Outlook, Korganizer is an open source project[7]. It is built on another open source project, libical[8]. Again a GUI, very close to outlook is shown below:

Figure 2.5 A sample GUI from Korganizer


And recurring event window is show below, which is very close to outlook:


Figure 2.6. Korganizer Recurring Appointment Insertion Interface


Korganizer is another agenda software which is coded for completely different environment. Interesting thing between Korganizer and Outlook is their similarities. This gives the idea that, most of the agenda softwares should carry similar information fields, which we already covered during TuSA.




4. TuSA


4.1.����� Knowledge Representation


For a NLP application, rather than trying to analyze all possible Turkish sentences, which would be a very ambitious, in fact an impossible task, we have limited ourselves to Turkish sentences that deal with appointments. Since we want to implement a NLP application for a sub-set of Turkish sentence structures, problems related to character sets, lexicons and morphology are inherently problems for TuSA. Most of the work in development phase of TuSA is done in syntax and semantic level, and a few modifications are applied to the morphology used in TOY[2].


4.1.1 Syntax in TuSA


In the syntax level of TuSA, the most important thing is the phrase concept. A phrase is a group of words. In the most general form, a sentence is a phrase. But a sentence can be built of many phrases, and each phrase can again be built of many phrases or words.


Sentence��������� → Phrase

Phrase������������ → Phrase | Word


Phrase Name





The command to TuSA



The subject of appointment.



The person in the appointment.



The location of appointment.



Time of appointment in the names of days, months or years



Time of appointment in the names of hour or minute



How long is this appointment?



Recurring information about appointment.



Biggest phrase that can include all of the above.

Table 4.1. Syntactic Functions in TuSA


Phrases in TuSA correspond to the possible data fields in any calendar program. Since each calendar program keeps track of the subject of meeting, persons in meeting, location of meeting, date and time of meeting, duration of meeting and recurring information, we have built our phrase list as shown in Table 1.

Syntactic analysis starts with the phrase Turkish Sentence (TS) which is the root for all phrase structure rules. Starting from this phrase, many rules are applied in order to compute the syntactic structure of any given input.

For instance, "Haftaya ona iki kala Aliyle Cananda yedi saatlik toplanti var" (Next week at two to ten we have a seven-hour meeting with Ali at Canan�s) is given to TuSA as an input.

This is matched to TS, and the syntax analyzer tries to find possible phrases for each word and word groups.

Each word or word group is assigned to a phrase at the end if the syntax of the sentence is correct as shown below:


At the end TS yields a list of phrases as below.

S->Zu Za P Y U K F

In the long form: sentence -> Zamanustu Zamanalti Person Yer Uzunluk Konu Fiil

In semantic representation of Prolog -> takvim(3,15,58,9,1,2002,[ali],[canan],[toplanti],_,dur(7,hour)).



Zu = Haftaya (Next week)

Za = Ona iki kala (2 to 10)

P = Aliyle (Proper noun Ali)

Y = Cananda (at Canan)

U = Yedi saatlik (for 7 hours)

K = Toplanti (meeting)

F = Var (There is)


Since Turkish word order is free and each phrase can go anywhere in the sentence, the phrases can be permuted. All possible phrase combinations are listed in Appendix 1. TuSA Syntax in Action


In TuSA, we have used a special advantage of Prolog during our implementation. After converting the input string into a list, all possible combinations of the syntax rules must be tried to find the structure matching the input (if it exists) Fortunately Prolog supports this kind of analysis with the built-in DCG (definite clause grammar) feature.


For example we want to parse a sentence like �Ali Beyle toplantı var� (there is a meeting with Mr. Ali). Our character reader converts the input into a list of words as, [ali,beyle,toplan,var].


The next step is to find the correct phrases. The first member is fetched from the list. It is attempted to be matched with all the phrases one by one. Only one of them, the person phrase, provides a successful match. So TuSA obtains the semantic representation of the word �ali�, which is already �ali�.


Next, the second member of the list is attempted to be matched with all of the phrases. Unfortunately, �beyle� (with Mr.) is inappropriate for individual match with any of the top-level phrase types (because it is a �unvan� (title) phrase and these can only be sub phrases of a person phrase). But TuSA is sometimes able to successfully complete an analysis even if the sentence contains unknown words, as we will discuss in person phrases. Unknown words are tolerated if they appear as modifiers of other phrases.


So TuSA keeps the word �beyle� and continues its search with �toplantı�. This matches a konu (subject) phrase. So TuSA So TuSA tries to add the previous word �beyle� (with mister) as a modifier to the subject phrase. But TuSA has to make a final check to be sure that this is a possible modifier(OK) The only way to be an modifier is being an unknown word. This means if a word can not match any other phrases then we accept it as a modifier. During this check, TuSA notices that the word �beyle� (mister) is an �unvan�(title) phrase in fact. So TuSA can not accept this word as a subject phrase.


At this point TuSA has to stop fetching words, and backtracks to the word �ali�, which matched the person phrase. The next step of TuSA is try to match the word �beyle� as a sub phrase of the person phrase, if this were not successful, the sentence would be rejected because of backtracking (DOGRU).Fortunately, the word �beyle�(mister) is really meaningful in the person phrase.


So TuSA puts the word �beyle�(mister) as a member of the person phrase and continues to fetch new words from input list. Please notice that, the fetched word is �beyle�, but the word kept in semantic representation is �bey� as shown in figure 4.1.

The next step of TuSA is fetching word �toplantı� (meeting) from the list. The most appropriate phrase to this word is again the subject phrase. Since TuSA does not need to backtrack and the current word has matched a phrase, TuSA continues with the next word, �var� (exist). Again TuSA can find an appropriate phrase in one pass, which is the verb phrase.


Syntactic parse of another example is given in the chart below:



When TuSA has finished its search for phrases, it can compute the semantic representation of these inputs. This point will be discussed in the semantic section.


4.1.2.      Proper noun(Person) Phrases in TuSA


This phrase is used to catch the person information about the appointment. Some of the appointment sentences can carry the personal information, for example the sentence �Haftaya aliyle toplanti var�(next week we have a meeting with Ali) carries the person information of Ali which is a proper noun. So in any case, since we have a person information in calendar programs, we do need to catch person information from the natural language input and insert it into the calendar database.

A formal representation of person phrases in this workis as follows:


P-> Anything P

P-> P Unvan(title)

P-> Propernoun


So, a person phrase can only finish with either a title or a proper noun and a person phrase can have many modifiers in front of it. For example, �Ali Bey�(Mr. Ali) is an example to person phrase where there is a title (�Bey�, Mr.) at the end of phrase �Ali avuş�(Sergeant Ali) is another example to the person phrase, that finishes with a title. On the other hand there may be any number of modifiers in front of a proper noun to build a person phrase. For example, Emekli General Ali�(Retired General Ali) or a more challenging example may be d�n gece y�r�rken tanıştığım Beylerbeyi Lisesi M�diresi Canan Hanım�(Mrs. Canan, the Director of Beylerbeyi Lisesi, whom I met last night while walking).

We do not cover personal pronouns. In this case most of the person phrases in Turkish end with a title or proper noun.


In the above formula, there is left recursion, which should be avoided. There are other phrases but in this recursion they can be accepted as Anything. For example, �okulda aliyle toplanti var�(there is a meeting in the school with ali) is a good example for the case. There is a word just before a proper noun, which is not a part of proper noun. In fact it is a location phrase and it should be considered as it is. But a person phrase can �eat� the location phrase, if the location phrase is just before the person phrase. To avoid this, we have implemented a mechanism to find the non-person phrases. A question should be raised at this point as, how can we find the non-person phrases? The answer is obvious, all other well-defined phrases are non-person phrases such as location phrases. So, we have implemented a group of predicates which are holding non-person phrases. And any non-person words are postponed for the search of other phrases by this predicates.

This has a negative side; in fact, we have sacrificed all the proper noun possibilities containing other phrase words such as location words in them. Since Turkish has extremely free syntactic rules, all phrases can swim in the sentence, we have limited our work in simple sentences. TuSA can not handle the nested sentences and users should not insert such sentences as an input to TuSA. For example if we modify our previous example as d�n gece yemekte tanıştığım Beylerbeyi Lisesi M�d�resi Canan Hanım�(Mrs. Canan, the Director of Beylerbeyi Lisesi, who I have met last nigth at the dinner), we will have a problem to determine the person phrase as it is and probably TuSA would understand d�n gece yemekte�(last night at the dinner) as the locative information of the appointment.


4.1.3.      Location Phrases in TuSA


This phrase is used to catch locative words. In the sentence , �okuldaki toplantilari goster�(show the appointments in the school), TuSA identifies school as the location of appointment. There are two methods to identify a phrase is a location phrase or not.

The first method seeks the locative word roots, for example school is a location by its nature, and most probably it is used to declare the location of the appointment. The second method seeks any word which ends up with a locative suffix, for example �alide�(at ali) phrase is a good example for this case. Its root is a proper noun and if the suffixes are discarded, TuSA would consider it as a personal phrase, but under the effect of locative suffixes it should be considered as a location phrase. So any word that ends with a locative suffix (-dA), is considered as a location phrase by TuSA.

Another problem, similar to the problem discussed in the personal phrase section, is the descriptors in front of the location phrases. The sentence �bah�eli okulda toplantı var�(there is a meeting at the school with garden) has this problem. Again we have implemented a similar solution to personal phrases.


Y-> Anything Y

Y-> Anything(with locative suffix)

Y-> Location(a word, which is location by its nature)


Again the �Anything� part yielded a left recursion problem and we have solved the problem by filtering non location phrases. For more information about suffixes please refer to the lexicons chapter.


4.1.4.      Subject Phrases in TuSA


This phrase is used to catch information about the �subject� of an appointment. If we discard the exceptions, all of the appointment sentences includes a subject phrase. As previously discussed, the subject phrase comes just before the verb phrase. So it is easy to define subject phrase as the group of words which is just before the verb phrase. But this has a big problem to differentiate the modifiers of verb and subject phrase itself.So we have solved the problem by defining possible subject roots. The problem of possible modifiers in front of subject is again solved by the formula below:


N-> Anything N

N-> Subject


Again we have implemented non subject phrases to hinder the left recursion.



4.1.5.      Duration Phrases in TuSA


This phrase is used to catch information about the duration of an appointment. Consider an appointment is one month long and it repeats for every Monday, this information is not the duration of appointment, we have covered it in section 4.1.8 recurring phrases, what we mean by duration phrases is the duration of an individual appointment. For example, a meeting for 2 hours long, has a duration information, which is two hours. A recurring appointment may still have duration phrases. The sentence � on ocak iki binden onbeş şubat iki bin ikiye kadar haftada bir iki saatlik toplantı var�(From January tenth of two thousand to February fifteenth of two thousand and two we have meetings for each week and they are 2 hours long), has both recurring information and duration information.

This phrase is assigned to catch duration words only. In TuSA, there is only one type of duration syntax.

����������� Duration���������� ->������ Number����������� Type of Unit


Since we have two types of time units, the Zamanustu (date) and the Zamanalti (time), we have to separate these unit types. This differentiation is described in the semantics chapter, but in syntax, it forces us to keep a type of time unit field.


4.1.6.      Zamanustu (Date) Phrases in TuSA


This phrase is used to represent information about the date of an appointment. Although date is a time unit, it should not be mixed with the time (zamanalti) of meeting. We have named this difference as overtime and sub-time terms. Zamanustu (overtime, date) represents the meeting date by the scope of week, month, day or year, on the other hand Zamanalti(subtime,time) catches the meeting time by the scope of hour or minutes.

Possible zamanustu(date) phrases are listed below:








Zu->Num Month Num(locative)

on ocak ikibinde

january tenth twothousand

Simple form


Zu->Num Month(locative)

on ocakta

january tenth



on the tenth



next week



in march

Zu->Num Timeunit Preposition

iki gn sonra

after two days

Relative form

Table 4.2. Zamanustu (Date) Phrases


This phrase is essential for any agenda. Dates of meetings are fetched by using above formulas. In Turkish, date format is somehow different than English, it is ordered as day, month and year, while it is ordered as month, day, year in English.

Another possibility is any number followed by a month name, we have assumed that in such a case it is current year. For example in table 4.2. �on ocakta �(ten january) is considered as current year (2003).

Similarly if only a number is fetched, we assume that this number belongs to the current year and current month. The locative property is very important for this phrase, else there is a risk to mix the input with Zamanalti(time) phrase, whichwill be discussed in time phrase section

In Turkish, a locative time unit can also be used to tell the date of an appointment. For example �Yarın�(tomorrow), �Haftaya�(nextweek), �D�n�(yesterday) are some of the possible time units.

All the phrase forms discussed above are simple forms, exact date is given in the phrase. But there is another type of date insertion. Some of the users may choose to insert a date in relative form. In the sentence �iki hafta sonra�(two weeks later), a relative date is used. Each part of relative form is important, the number is used to understand absolute value while the time unit is the multiplier of this number and the preposition is used to understand the direction of this value. We can not say the exact day of appointment by only using this phrase. We need to know the current date to calculate the appointment date. TuSA has a date calculator which calculates leap years, or day of week etc for such relative date insertions.. (for further information, please refer to calendar functions in TuSA section)


4.1.7.      Zamanalti (Time) Phrase


This phrase is used to catch the time of appointments. As we have discussed in section 2.1.4, there are two different time concepts for an appointment. The scope of this time phrase is the hour and minute of the appointment, which is different than the date of the meeting or the duration of the meeting.

Table 4.3 lists the all possible time phrases:





Za->Num Num(locative)

on ellide

at ten fifty

Simple Form

Za->Num Num(special) Preposition

ona �eyrek kala

onu beş ge�e

at quarter to ten

Za->Num Hour Preposition

iki saat sonra

after two hours

Relative Form

Za->Num Minute Preposition

elli dakika sonra

fifty minutes later



at ten

Table 4.3. Zamanalti (time) Phrases


Again we have two forms just like Zamanustu(date) Phrase. The simple form holds all the time information in it. On the other hand, the relative form needs the current time for calculating the exact intended time slot.

There is another important ambiguity between Zamanalti(time) and Zamanustu(date) phrases. For example, Za->Num is covered by both phrases. The difference is in the suffixes, for detailed information refer to section 4.2. morphology in TuSA

Another ambiguity is the Za->Num Timeunit Preposition rule. Both phrases have the same rule, and we can not avoid the acceptance of �iki hafta sonra�(two weeks later) as a time phrase in this case. So we have solved this problem by clearly defining the time units in time phrase. We did not implement a Za-> Num Timeunit Preposition phrase under this phrase, instead we have implemented 2 different phrases which already fulfills this requirement.

Za->Num Hour Preposition

Za->Num Minute Preposition

By merely defining the time unit members as hour or minute here, we have avoided the ambiguity between time phrase and date phrase.

Again for this phrase we have implemented the calendar functions to calculate the relative time phrases. For example �onbin saat sonra toplantı var�(there is a meeting after ten thousand hours) needs some calculations.


4.1.8.      Recurring Phrases


This phrase is used to handle the recurring events. As we have previously discussed in the chapter 2 literature survey, all of the leading agenda programs have a recurring event option. Implementing such a module for a natural language interface was one of the most difficult parts of this study. One should always remember that there is a query mechanism, separate from the insertion of the data. So translating the input to a semantic formula is only a small part of the job. Most of the job for such a phrase is done in the query part.


Table 4.4 lists the possible recurring event entries






R->her Timeunit(hafta)

her hafta

For every week


R->her Timeunit

her ay

her yıl

her g�n

Every month

Every year

Every day


R->Timeunit(hafta)(locative) bir

Haftada bir

For each week


R->Timeunit(locative) bir

Ayda bir

Yılda bir

G�nde bir

For each month

For each year

For each day


R->her Num Timeunit(hafta)(locative) bir

Her iki haftada bir

One a week


R->her Num Timeunit(locative) bir

Her iki ayda bir

Her �� yılda bir

Her onbeş g�nde bir

One in two months

One in three years

One in the fifteen days


R->her Day

Her Salı

Every Tuesday


R->her Num Timeunit(hafta)(locative) bir Day

Her iki haftada bir pazartesileri

every other Monday


R->her ayin Num gunu

Her ayın ikinci g�n�

Second day of each month


R->her ayin Num(-H)

Her ayın ikisi

Every month second day


R->her Num ayda bir ayin Num gununde

Her iki ayda bir ayın ���nc� g�n�nde

Third day of every two months


R->her ayin Num Day(-H)

Her ayın birinci salısı

First Tuesday of each month


R->her [yıl] Ay Num(locative)

Her [yil] temmuzun ���nde

Every [year] third day of July


R->her Num Ay(locative)

Her iki temmuzda

Every second day of July


R->her Ay Num Day(locative)

Her temmuzun birinci pazartesisi


First Monday of every July.


Kadar -> Zu


Date, as discussed in Zamanustu (Date) phrases

Table 4.4. Recurring Phrases


There are -four types of recurring events categorized by their periods,

In table 4.4., formulas from 1-8 are daily recurring events (some formulas have more than one time unit options, I assume day is used in this case). They recur by the number of days. In fact every weekly recursion can be converted to the daily recursions. For example �every two weeks� means �every fourteen days�. Since week is a time unit, we needed to separate it from other time units to make such a conversion.

Monthly recurring events are somewhat different. They are listed in table 4.4. in rows 9-12 and rows 2, 4 and 6 are also involved when month is used as a time unit. We need to separate daily recurring events and monthly recurring events because, they are inadaptable to each other.

For example we can combine weekly events with daily events, because each week can be converted to 7 days in every condition. But each month has a different day count. So we keep monthly recurring events as they are, and parse their semantics when needed (for example in the case of querying).

Yearly recurring events are again, inadaptable to both monthly and daily recurring events. In table 4.4, formulas 13-15 are yearly recurring events, and rows 2, 4 and 6 are also involved when year is used as a time unit. In formula 13, two different formulas are merged and represented by an optional �[yıl]�(year), which is usually discarded for simplification of phrase.

The last formula is for �kadar�(Until), which is frequently used in recurring events. In fact there are 3 types of recurring events by the beginning and end.

We can add a fourth type, the recurring events with unknown beginning and known end, which exists only theoretically since there are no practical samples in Turkish natural language for this case. First type is infinite in both directions. We do not know when it starts and when it finishes. So we have assumed that this kind of recurring event starts when the record is inserted. For example if user enters the sentence �Haftada bir toplantı var� (we have a meeting every week), this sentence does not include any beginning or finish information, we can not understand the starting date or final date of the meeting series. But we can easily assume that this meeting has never been done before the date it is entered. So we can easily convert the first type of recurring events into the second type of recurring events. Similarly the fourth type is mapped into third type.

For the second type of recurring events, we keep track of recursion since it is cancelled. If the user enters a recurring event without a deadline, it is considered as a live appointment and it is included in every calculation or query.

Finally third type of recurring appointment carries the beginning and final dates. How we keep the recurring events in our database will be discussed in section 4.3. But in this case, important thing is the insertion of final date. We have the Zamanustu (date) phrase for the beginning date of the appointment, we have the recurring phrase for the recurring information, but, how will we handle the final date? Answer of this question is the last formula (16). It is obvious that every final date is a date and it can be handled by our Zamanustu (date) phrase easily, the difference is in their semantics, which will be discussed later.


4.1.9.      Verb Phrases


This phrase is used to catch the action verb at the end of the input sentence. We have used the name �verb phrase� but in some cases the action word may be a non-verb word. In fact any predicate is considered as a verb phrase by TuSA. There are 3 group of actions in TuSA

And each action has its own verb sets. For example, word, �var�(exist, there is), is considered as an insertion verb; on the other hand, �g�ster�(show) is considered as a query verb.


4.1.10.  Question Phrases


One of the most interesting phrases is the question phrases. They are only used in the query sentences. Words like �Ne, Nerede, Ka�, Kiminle, Kimlerle� (What, Where, How many, Whom with), are considered as the question phrases. We create their semantics only temporarily to understand the command and after the execution of command their semantics is not needed anymore. There are only two types of question phrases declared in TuSA:

So in Turkish, Question phrases can be built by a single question word or a question word supported by another meaningful word. For example, �ne�(what) is a question word itself, but by combining �zaman�(time) we can easily end up with �ne zaman�(what time) which is still a question phrase with a different meaning. Another example in TuSA is �ne kadar�(how much). So we have added a second rule for question phrases to catch such word groups.

Question phrases was already coded in TOY project but they were insufficient for TuSA to use them, because of the semantic differences, so all of the question phrases has been coded again.


4.1.11.  Syntax Summary


Syntax in TuSA can be viewed by the following chart. Detailed listing of syntax is given in the Appendix 1



As shown in figure 4.2., each sentence in TuSA should start with a begining node called �Syntax�. Finishing condition is only �Fiil� (verb) and rest of the phrases can be used in many places. In fact each phrase can be used many times in Turkish sentences, but we should force user to use a phrase only one time per input.


4.2.      Morphology in TuSA


In Turkish, each word is constructed by appending any inflectional and/or derivational suffixes to the roots in any order by taking vowel harmony into account. Because of this nature, Turkish morphology is really complicated for generating applications based on it.


Morphology of TuSA is essentially constructed over the morphology of TOY project. In fact, there are only minor changes. The biggest difference is the purpose of morphology between those two studies. In the TOY project, both parsing and generation is designed, but in TuSA we use morphology level to parse only.


Below you will find information about both suffixes and roots. Our discussion will cover, FSM(finite state machine) of suffixes, usage and comments about suffixes and we will continue to problems about root. We will also cover some low level operations in morphology to make everything clearer.


Then our discussion will continue with special morphological issues, like morphology of numbers, time roots and question words.


4.2.1. Suffixes in TuSA


In TuSA finite state machines (one for nouns, one for verbs and small FSMs for others) are used for parsing lexicons where the initial nodes are possible roots and the final nodes are the ones reached going through the arcs each of which represents a suffix addition.



There are two basic techniques in parsing a word of an agglutinative language, namely, Root Matching (left to right) or Suffix Stripping (right to left).


Root matching technique starts with searching the prefix, tries to find a root and finishes with the search for postfix. In each of three steps, there may be many possibilities to fulfill the requirements, but finishing condition depends the combination of all steps. Sometimes there may not be a possible way which yields an output, in the case of incorrect inputs.


On the other hand, suffix stripping, which is TuSA using inherently, does the job in reverse order. It starts by searching for postfixes, finds an appropriate root and finishes with processing of prefixes. Although there are a few prefixes and words which accepts prefixes in Turkish, we have not implemented any prefix mechanism in TuSA.


In fact all the prefixes and the prefix accepting roots in Turkish, come from other languages, such as Arabic or Persian languages. [9,10,11]


This fact, forces us to accept only root or root plus suffix input streams.


The word �stripping� comes from the parsing algorithm in suffix stripping approach. When the parser finds a suitable suffix in the input, this suffix is striped off from the input. Parser tries to strip all the input by using available suffixes and roots in its database.


A widely used approach is the left to right (root matching) approach. One reason for root matching approach, is that parsing can be applied during insertion. Unlike suffix stripping approach, root matching approach do not force user to insert whole input to start parsing. Second and more important reason of widely usage is the efficiency. In root matching approach, starting from root decreases the possibilities of suffixes in the next step. For example, in the parse of the word:




��������� Ali����������������������� +�������� ler�������� +�������� de����������� =���������� Alilerde

(ali, the proper noun)������������� (plural)�������� (preposition)��� =(at the place of Ali)


if we apply left to right approach, in the first step, the root �Ali� will be fetched, which will reduce the number of possible suffixes in the second fetch operation, because �Ali� is a proper noun and all suffixes set is not appropriate with a proper noun. Next, the suffix �ler� will be fetched, which will again reduce the number of possible suffixes in the third fetch operation. Because, for example another plural suffix can not follow a plural suffix.


In the suffix stripping we do not have the same chance. Since parser starts with the suffix at the end of the word, it always searches the whole suffix set.


We use the widely used, efficient, root match approach in TuSA, which is inherited from TOY. On the other hand, TuSA uses the same FSM, based on Oflazer�s[12] work on Turkish morphology. We made only a few modifications. For instance, the verb,


geliyor musun? (Are you coming?)


given to the FSM starting from possible verb root, reaches one of the final nodes by producing the following deconstruction:


����� gel+ Hyor�� +mH����������� + sun



. H representsi� or �ı�and is checked during the parsing operation to impose vowel harmony by taking the previous vowels into account.






In the morphology level, TuSA searches the most suitable words for the relevant phrases, as we have previously discussed in the syntax chapter. Each phrase has its own morphological specifications. A matching to a phrase can be done just by looking to the root of the word or the final status reached by adding suffixes to the root, so search for roots and search of suffixes are both implemented.


For instance, if the matching phrase is Person, the program first searches the words with proper-noun roots. But this search is not enough to find correct matching, another search is done on the suffixes of these words, and then the correct words are found for the relevant phrases. For example, in the sentence below:


�Aliyle Cananda toplantı var.�

(There is a meeting with Ali at Canan�s)


In this example both location and person phrases have proper-noun roots. So correct phrase matching can�t be done only by looking at the roots. As explained above, TuSA makes the correct matching by looking at the suffixes of these words.


Any Turkish word can be matched to both person and location phrases. The selection between these possibilities is handled by the execution structure of Prolog. Because in Prolog each predicate execution is done according the order they have programmed so if it satisfies the first predicate than it does not continue to look for any other predicates. So, the first possibility in the code is chosen and matching is done.


A similar example is between the Zamanustu(Date) and the Zamanalti(Time) phrases. As we have discussed in syntax chapter, both of these phrases can accept a single number word, such as �onda�(at ten) or �onunda�(at tenth). Again the root of the words is number but the difference is detected by looking their suffixes. �onda�(at ten) is the Zamanustu(Date) phrase while �onunda�(at tenth) is the Zamanalti(Time) phrase.



Another problem occurs in searching these suffixes. As we have discussed in syntax level before, there are functions working recursively and in any wrong ordered predicates case these recursive functions cause left recursion, which is undesirable.


Since most of the words are constructed by adding suffixes to the right of the root, for some special purposes in TuSA the parsing operation on FSM are reversed and the words are parsed starting from the final nodes in order to find the root. In some exceptional cases words are given without any suffixes.


As we have mentioned before, TuSA is based on the morphology of TOY[2], but we have made some minor modifications over this infrastructure. Since TOY is designed for whole of Turkish sentences, its morphology is concentrated on the big picture, which blinds it to some small facts. Studying over a small set of Turkish has given us an advantage to see the missing parts in morphology.


For example TOY is not strong in time phrases like TuSA. In TuSA we have added a new root type the �ZamanK�k�(time root). Words like Şimdi(Now), �Yarın�(Tomorrow), �D�n�(Yesterday) have special forms and they need to be considered as a different root type. For example, there is a suffix (-ki) in Turkish and it is inappropriate with noun roots. But for time roots it is meaningful and it is needed to add such a suffix. So modified version of TOY FSM is in the following charts 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5.:

In the figure 4.3., the dashed members are added during TuSA project. The rest is inherited from TOY-. Although numbers and time roots are considered as nouns, they have some differences from noun roots, this has forced us to create a FSM as shown above.


This FSM can work by using the morphological functions. Since TuSA has changed the current semantic, some of the morphological functions are rewritten.


Another problem about this FSM is, its parsing is always morphologically correct but sometimes semantically implausible. For example, below examples may give an idea about the problem:


Bak������� +�������� Hn�������� +�������� dH����������� +��������� m��������������������������������� Bakındım

(look)��������� (reflexive)����� (definite past)���� (peron 1 singular)������������� (I looked around)

Goster��� +�������� Hn�������� +�������� dH����������� +��������� m

(show)�������� (reflexive)����� (definite past)���� (person 1 singular)����� (I have showed by myself)


Former example is both morphologically and semantically correct, while the latter is morphologically correct but, semantically wrong. Unfotunatly above FSMs[Figure 4.3., 4.4., 4.5.] accept both input. To avoid such entrance, we need to make a semantic check, which is almost impossible. Because, all roots and all affixed roots, should declare the list of semantically possible suffixes. That is why we do not accept incorrect inputs from user. Our input sentences must be completly correct Turkish sentences to avoid such errors.


4.2.2. Roots in TuSA


There is a morphological database inside TuSA which is inherited from TOY. In this database each record is kept like a predicate. And each parameter of this predicate, identifies a value of the coloumn. For example:




Is an example record from this database. This record keeps a noun root, which is proper noun and its name is Ali. The list below shows the necessary information for each record in our root, morpheme database:

Since its last letter is vowel, it is declared in last second and third parameters by repeating same information �i�. On the other hand, �sem(ali)� keeps the semantic representation of this word. So in any case if the user enters a word starting with the root �ali�, this morphological information will be used. Rest of the semantic will be covered in semantic chapter.

Following table is the list of our word root types (labels of the morpheme):








































Table4.5. � Morphological types & roots


In the TOY project everything was either verb root or noun root, but by experience, we have needed more specific types. For example in the char 4.2. (finite State machine for noun roots) we have added time root, date, to catch suffixes, only specific to this root type. On the other hand we have discovered, the meaning differences by root. For example, both name of a month and name of a person are noun roots, but they have different meanings in TuSA.


Each root type in the table has shown in the chart 4.2., except the question root. We have created a root type called question root because of the need for this type while parsing question phrases. As it is discussed in question phrases, we only create the question semantic temporarily, which forces us to create such a root type.


Separating roots into those categories has also gained us more advantages. For example, we do not search Unvan (title) root in Zaman (Time) phrases, while both is noun root.


Last vowel and last letter is used for vowel harmony. Please remember the previous definition of suffixes. For example the plural suffix in Turkish was declared as �-lAr� and we have declared that the variable (capital letter) stands for both �a� and �e�. Morphological parser accepts the appropriate form in this case. For example in the word


��������������� Ali����������������������� +�������������� ler�������������������������� =��������������������������� Aliler

(Ali, the proper noun)����������������� (plural suffix)


the plural suffix �-ler� substitudes �e� in the variable of �lAr� to keep the vowel harmony. But as usual, all rules have exceptions. For example the following word,


��������������� Kemal�������� +����������������� lAr�������������������� =������������ Kemaller

������������� (Kemal)������������������� (plural suffix)��������������������������� (Kemals)


is an exception. Because the last vowel of the root is �a� and variable in plural suffix is �e� which does not obey the vowel harmony. In such a case, we define the root as follows:




The last vowel of the word, �Kemal� is �a� but we have declared it as �e�, which is the solution for the problem.


Another problem is the letter changes, letter deletions or letter additions during affixations. For example when the word below is entered to TuSA, it is successfully parsed. But it can only be parsed by using an alternative suffix.


��������������� Ali�������������������������� +����������������������� yle����������������������� =��������������������� Aliyle

(ali, the propernoun)����������������������������� (relative suffix)����������������������������������� (with Ali)


Since the correct relative suffix is only �le�, we have declared the following suffix for the above parsing operation.


Original suffix entry:

tr_morph_entry('ylA',[[l,A],[relative]],V,_,OK,A,A,ok) :- vtoa(V,A), vok(OK).

Alternative suffix entry:

tr_morph_entry('ylA',[[y,l,A],[relative]],V,V,ok,A,A,ok) :- vtoa(V,A), !.


For more detailed information about state values of other arguments, please refer to TOY[2].


4.2.3. Morphology of Numbers in TuSA


Again some parts of the work depends on TOY project. As it is previously defined, all the roots should be entered in morphology database. The biggest exception of this rule is the number phrases.


Our semantics level uses numbers in numeral format, different than the accepted TuSA input. Since in a standard TuSA input stream we accept only letters, numeral inputs are not accepted. But for calculations and other calendar operations we need the numeral semantic of each number inserted to TuSA.


In TuSA project we have added a new root type Number Root, which is used to identify the numbers. In the previous TOY definition, they have been accepted as a Noun Root, which hinders the special suffixes for number roots. The only suffix we have added for number roots is the counting suffix as shown below:


������������ iki�������� +���������������� şAr���������������������� =��������������������� ikişer

���������� (two)���������������� (counting suffix)��������������������������������� (two each)


We have separated number roots from noun roots, because counting suffixes are special to number roots only. We have discovered such a missing part in recurring event entries, which will be discussed in section 4.2.5 time root.


4.2.4. Time Root


Another addition to morphology of TOY done by TuSA is the time root concept. Time phrases are used extensively in TuSA, because of the nature of the application. Biggest reason to separate time root from noun root is to determine time phrases much more easily. Another reason is the special suffixes in time roots. For example during our studies we have discovered that the only root type that can handle inflectional affixation of the suffix �kH� is the time roots. Rest of the Turkish roots can handle the affixation of suffix �kH� as a derivational suffix. For example:


yarın��������������������������������������� ki����������������������������������������������� yarınki

(tommorrow)���������������� (relative suffix)������������������������������� (tommorrow�s)


This suffix makes no change on the semantics of the word, but still we need to define such a suffix to handle this kind of insertions. Another example for the same concept is the �lHk� suffix. For example by affixation of this suffix and a time root we get the same semantic information, since it is a derivational suffix for the rest of the noun phrases.


bug�n������������������������������������ l�k�������������������������������������������� bug�nl�k

(today)����������������������� (durational suffix)�������������������������������� (for today)



4.3.5 Question Words


One of the improvements over TOY is the question words. We have not modified the yes/no question types, but we have rewritten the question words in TOY. TuSA can accept any of the following question words:


Question word





With who


With whom




From what place

Ne zaman


Table 4.6. (question words accepted by TuSA)


Some of the above words are derived from other words, for example, �kimlerle� or �kiminle� is derived from �kim�. So in TuSA there is only one question word to ask the �who� question, and user can derive other words by using this question word. On the other hand words �Nerelerde� and �Nerede� can not be derived from each other. This forces us to declare two different records in our morpheme database.


Another problem about question phrases is the question phrase �Ne zaman� which is built by two words indeed. So we have defined a question phrase structure to capture this word order.



4.3. Semantics in TuSA

This is the most important part of a natural language processing application like TuSA. For any input, TuSA tries to find the related phrases by using morphology. And finding phrase structure by syntax level, helps semantic level to gain meaning over the sentence. Each phrase already converts inputs to a semantically representation, but they are completely meaningless without a semantic level harmony.


As we have discussed in the literature survey, all calendar programs create appointments with some information. By default all appointments, have date, time, location, person and subject fields.


So our approach in the semantic level is similar to classical calendar programming with a NLP extension. First we have built our semantic representation.


Prolog has a built in relational database management system. This has gained us the power of keeping each appointment in a database for further queries or deletion, insertion operations. We have an external file �� to keep the database. It is automatically loaded within the loading operations of TuSA. This keeps track of every record permanently. Any insert operation to TuSA triggers an insert operation on this file. Although there is an opportunity to keep the record in the memory, we immediately dump the inserted information to the file, for reliability reasons. A copy of this database is always kept in memory for fast access. Query answering is done by the information in the memory.


The basic database record structure in TuSA is as follows:




So by default each appointment has the above fields, whether they are filled or not. For example the input �Haftaya aliyle toplantı var�(There is a meeting with ali, next week) has the following semantics.




In TuSA there are three levels of semantic processing. First we gather some information from input, than we try to create a knowledge base entry from this input and at last we keep this knowledge in a database for further queries or updates.


1.      Fetched information from input. Semantic representation of each word in this input is created immediately. After a quick search in the morpheme database, TuSA can create semantically representation of each morpheme.

2.      Some of the information is not suitable for processing, for example date phrase �Haftaya� (next week) is not suitable to write into the database. First of all it is a relative date, so we need to convert this information to an absolute date. In the second semantic level we do such conversions and try to find appropriate form of information.

3.      Database form. This is the third layer in our semantic implementation. Converting an information to a processable knowledge is not enough for keeping and querying this information. To do so, we create a unified and standardized form of representation. And we collect the knowledge representation of each information in this form.

In the following sections, we will discuss the semantic of each field separately. We will start from the ID field and continue our discussion till the Recurring field.


4.3.1 ID field


Since our information about appointments is kept in a database, this field is the primary key of our table. Each appointment has a unique identification.


The next unused number for this purpose is kept in a file called �� in the same directory with TuSA..


In query sentences, we first try to build a set of identification numbers, and then we simply display this set. For example if a user is looking for all the meetings in the school, his input would be something like: �okuldaki toplantıları g�ster�(show the meetings in the school). After some sort of operations, a list of identification numbers will return and our appointment displayer, which will be discussed in the interface chapter, shows the appointments in this list.


4.3.2 Hour and Minute fields


This field is responsible from Zamanalti(time) operations. Most of the time phrases are in number format. There are some exceptions for example the phrase �ikiye �eyrek kala� (quarter to two) has the word ��eyrek� (quarter). This form of inputs should be converted to numerical representations. There are such conversions in this part of semantic.


We have divided time phrases:


        Absolute time phrases

        Relative time phrases


In absolute time phrases, we know the exact time. For example in the phrase �ikide�(at two o�clock) we know that our appointment will occur at two o�clock we do not need any further information. On the other hand, in the phrase �iki saat sonra� (after two hours), our phrase tells us that, there is a meeting after two hours from current time. So we need the current time to know the exact time of appointment, plus we need a simple calculation. The former is an absolute time phrase, while the latter is a relative time phrase.


In fact, time phrases are one of the most complicated phrases. As we have already discussed, there are fields for time, in our semantic, the minute and the hour fields. But in the case of relative time phrases, we can not place semantic representation of input, since it is something contains a relative part in its semantic. We have semantic transformation functions. They convert this input into a meaningful format and then this form of information is inserted into the semantic representation of TuSA.




These functions are:






Parse time (parsezamanalti)


at ten o�clock

where, no minute information exists, so it is automatically considered as 0.

Parse time (parsezamanalti)



at ten fifty its semantics is 10 50

Parse relative time (parserelatifzamanalti)

on saat sonra

after ten hours

calculate, current time + 10

Parse relative time (parserelatifzamanalti)

��e beş kala

five to three

absolute time with relative representation, we need further calculation for absolute time by the subtraction function

Parse relative time (parserelatifzamanalti)

onu �eyrek ge�e

quarter pass ten

absolute time with relative representation, we need further calculation for absolute time by the addition function

Table 4.7. Zamanalti(time) phrase predicates


In TuSA, one of the functions should be chosen for Zamanalti(time)phrases. We also have an hour increaser function to calculate appropriate time of appointment. In fact this function divides the number of hours into 24 and calls the dayincreaser function, which will be discussed in Zamanustu(Date) semantic

If we encounter with an input that does not contain any time phrase we automatically accept this input as a day appointment. And we assign this appointment to eight o�clock in the morning automatically, to avoid conflicts.




4.3.3. Date; day, month, year fields


This fields of semantic shows the date of the appointment. This semantic part can be executed just after the Zamanustu(Date) syntax. Again we have two types of date phrases, very similar to time phrases:

        Absolute date phrases

        Relative date phrases


In the absolute date phrase, we know the date of appointment. For example, �on ocak ikibin�(january, ten, twothousand) is an absolute appointment date. On the other hand, for relative date phrases we need further calculations to insert an appointment. For example the phrase �iki hafta sonra toplantı var� (there is a meeting in two weeks) is such an example.


It is possible to encounter an input that does not contain any date phrase. In such a case we assign the date information of the current date. For example in the above example,


saat ikide aliyle okulda toplantı var����������� There is a meeting with ali at two o�clock.


there is no date information. And most probably the user has the current date in mind. So we automatically assign the current date as the appointment date. In fact we do not have any other choice.


Following functions are the complete list of possible date phrase semantics.





Parse date (parsezamanustu)


on the tenth

There is no month or year information for the appointment, we only have the day of appointment. So we automatically assign the current month and current year to the appointment.

Parse date (parsezamanustu)

On ocakta

on the tenth of January

Again year field is missing, we assign the current year to the appointment

Parse date (parsezamanustu)

On ocak ikibinde

on January ten twothousand

Absolute date

Parse date


in June

Only name of month is given, we convert this meeting with beginning of June 1 and duration of 1 month long.

Parse relative time (parserelatifzamanustui)

On gun sonra

ten days later

We make some calculations by our day increaser function.

Table 4.8. Zamanustu(date) phrase predicates


In TuSA, after the syntax level, one of the above semantic functions should be chosen. In the first step, syntax fetches the date information from user, it is not inserted into the semantic representation, until the execution of above functions. Above functions are responsible for inserting the date of appointment to the semantic.


4.3.4. Overview of date and time phrases


Since both date and time phrases uses same set of words, such as the words with number roots. We have made a differentiation between them. After syntax level, each type of semantic representation has a unique view. For example semantic representation of appointments with only day information have only one field of information while the appointments with day and month information have two fields.


Since date and time phrases do not written to the semantic formula directly in the syntax phase, we have implemented a semantic processing function used only for date and time phrases. This function is responsible to understand the type of information, the missing part of information and also it is responsible for the appropriate calculations.


4.3.5. Person, Location and Subject


Semantic of these fields are same, their semantic conversion is done in syntax level. Once they are converted, the semantic representation of the input is inserted into the appropriate field. For example �alilerde�(at ali) is a location phrase. In the syntactic level, this word is converted to the semantic representation of �ali� which is also �ali�. Since this input is a location input, and the semantic representation is already found, it is automatically written into this field in the semantic.


One exception may be the modifiers of this kind of semantic fields. In the syntax level we have covered that, there is a recursive loop to take all the possible modifiers as they are. This modifiers are directly passed to the semantic level. This information from syntax is merged with the semantic of the field, and it is directly passed to the appropriate field in the semantic.


For example, �y�zbaşı aliyle�(with captain ali) is the inserted phrase. In the syntax chapter it is explained why this input is a person phrase. �ali� is the final word and a proper noun. This tells us, there may be an modifier in front of this word as in this example. We also fetch the modifier, but we do not parse it like �aliyle�.


At the end, word �aliyle� is parsed, and its semantic representation �ali� is found. On the other hand word �y�zbaşı� is not parsed, since it is a modifier. And we get the resulting semantic as �[y�zbaşı,ali]�. Since we do not need any calculations or any further operation, we can directly copy this list to the appropriate field in the semantic.


So in any field, in person, location or subject fields, everything is same, only the syntax and place of semantic differs.



4.3.6. Semantic of Duration


Duration of an appointment is not needed in each time but it is an essential part of an agenda.


Again its semantic is found in the syntax level, but there may be different types of durations like time durations or date durations. In TuSA we rewrite date durations in the form of time durations. For example a 2 day meeting is equal to a 48 hour meeting for TuSA.


In fact, the most common error is the mixture of recursion with duration. They are different concepts. For example, a user may want to insert a sentence like �Bir haftalık toplantı var� (There is a meeting for a week). This sentence does not tell a week long meeting. S/he wants to tell that every day this meeting will reoccur and length of this recurring event is one week. So type of this meeting is recurring meeting. On the other hand there may be duration information in sentences like, �I have meetings next week, each ten hours long�. This is a more correct input because a missing information in the previous example is completed in this input. In fact, a human being can understand and fill the missing parts by his previous knowledge. But a computer should only trust the input, so during this thesis study we have never concentrated on filling such missing parts.


Because of above limitations, there can not be a meeting a year or month long. So in TuSA there are 2 types of durations:


        Minute type

        Hour type


We convert weekly or daily long meetings to hour and keep this information in the duration field of appointment. We have a second semantic representation for duration phrases. Since prolog has a built in relational database implementation, we can consider this second semantic representation as a second database table. In this table we have two columns, the amount of duration and the type of duration.


By the light of above explanations, we have the semantic representation below:




There are some simple conversions to calculate the correct amount of time and type. For example a day long appointment should be converted to the type of hours by multiplying by 24. Or another interesting example is the �yarım� (half) term, massivly used. For example the input,


aliyle yarım saatlik bir toplantı var� (there is a meeting with ali, half an hour long)


has a hour term. And as it is previously discussed in time phrases, half means 30 (like half past two means thirty past two). Again we need to convert term �half� to thirty but with an extra operation. We need to convert the type of duration from hour to minute. Since half an hour is morphologically in terms of hour, it is semantically in terms of minute.


4.3.7. Semantic of Recursion


One of the most complicated parts in TuSA is the semantic of recurring events. In relational database terminology we can say that, this is the third table in TuSA. Since each appointment can potentially have a recurring event information, we do keep an empty field for every appointment. One of the second level semantic representation is generated by this module. After insertion of a recurring event, TuSA creates a new semantic representation for the recurring part of this event. This representation is saved to the last column in global semantic representation. If an appointment has recurring information, the semantic representation below is used:


recur(Type, Period, Period of month, Period of day number, Long format of day, Final day, Final month, Final year)


As we have previously discussed in the syntax chapter, there are 4 types of recursions. But in semantic level we can decrease the number of recursions to three. Since weekly recursions can be rewritten as daily recursions with 7 day periods, we have decreased the number of recurring events to three in semantic level:


        Daily recursion (type in semantic is �day�)

        Monthly recursion (type in semantic is �month�)

        Yearly recursions (type in semantic is �year�)


We do not use eight columns for each kind of recurring events. For example, daily recurring events only use the first two columns. One of the most important reason to have eight fields is the inconvertibility of recurring types.


Beyond this fact, there are two sub types of monthly and yearly recurring events, and also they can not be converted to each other too. Table syntax chapter, holds all possible recurring types. In this table all daily recurring types can be converted to each other and weekly events can also be simplified to daily recurring events. But monthly and yearly events should be separated. Table 4.9 summarizes each unconvertible form of recurring events.




Semantic Formula

Daily Recurring Events

aliyle iki g�nde bir toplantı var (there is a meeting with ali every two days)

recur(day, 2, _,_,_,_,_,_)

Monthly Recurring Events



Basic Monthly recurring event format

her iki ayda bir ayın ���nc� g�n� toplantı var. (There is a meeting in the third day of every two months)

recur(month, 2, _, 3, _,_,_,_)

Monthly recurring events by the name of day.

her iki ayda bir ayın beşinci salısı toplantı var. (There is a meeting on the fifth tuesday of every two months)

recur(month, 2, _, 5, tuesday, _, _, _)

Yearly Recurring Events



Basic Yearly recurring event format

her iki yılda bir temmuzun beşinci g�n� toplantı var. (there is a meeting on fifth of july of every two years)

recur(year, 2, 7, 5, _, _, _, _)

Yearly recurring event format by the name of day

her iki yılda bir temmuzun ���nc� perşembesi toplantı var. (There is a meeting on third Thursday of every july of every two years)

recur(year, 2, 7, 3, Thursday, _,_,_)

Table 4.9.Semantic representation of recurring events


Table 4.9shows that, there are three main categories in the recurring events. And because of the long day format, we need to separate both monthly and yearly events. Indeed we can not convert a long day formatted recurring event into a number formatted recurring event. For example, second Tuesday of march 2000 is 14th but second Tuesday of march 2001 is 13th day of the month. This forces us to keep the long day format as it is.


4.3.8. Semantics of Queries


Questions are the basic units of querying commands. In fact there are two types of natural language sentences that can query our calendar database.


1.      Question sentences

2.      Sentences in imperative format, with query verbs.


We have already discussed the question sentences in syntax chapter. There are several question words to query the database. Each can be used with different purposes. But imperative query sentences are in the form of input sentences. The only difference is the type of verb. By using this difference, we again build a semantic representation of the sentence but this time we use to query the database with this semantic representation. For example the two sentences below have the same semantic representation.

Aliyle toplantı var. (There is a meeting with ali)�������������� takvim(3,0,8,10,1,2002,[ali],_,_,_,_).

Aliyle toplantıları g�ster. (Show the meetings with ali)���� takvim(_,_,_,_,_,_,[ali],_,_,_,_).

Because only difference is their verbs. We do not keep the verb in semantic representation, it will be discussed in next section, semantics of verbs. But in imperative form of queries, we can say that, they are only used to build a template for query, and TuSA searches the records for this template. For searching operations please refer to the section 4.4. calendar functions.


4.3.9. Semantics of Verbs

In fact we do not have any field in our semantic representation for verbs. Semantic of verbs are temporarily created and after the execution of verb, it is completely destroyed. We have three type of verbs:

        Query verbs

        Insertion verbs

        Deletion verbs

The most used verb types are query verbs and insertion verb. Most of the time, when a user wants to insert a new entry into the calendar database, some of the missing parts are automatically filled in by TuSA. For example an entry without the date information probably means a meeting today. So filling in the missing parts in insertion verbs is important may be risky, but on the other hand, for query verbs, it would be a big mistake to fill the missing parts. For example if a user wants to query a meeting with Ali, most probably user does not enter any date information. And if TuSA automatically fills in this area, the user can only see the meetings with Ali in today, which is an unwanted situation.

Deletion verbs are used to cancel an appointment. There is a delete function working on calendar functions level, and any sentence with such a verb triggers this deletion function. Please refer to the calendar functions for further information.

Semantic representation of verbs are generated as level 1 semantic representation in the syntactic parse phase. After this generation the semantic representation of the appointment is carried to the execution functions of TuSA. Each verb family refers to a different execution function. Below figure shows the flow diagram of execution steps in TuSA.


4.4. Calendar Functions


During the execution of TuSA, we frequently need some calendar functions. For example in order to show the day of week, we need some calculations. Those calendar calculations are explained in this chapter.


Some problems like leap years are taken into account in the below functions. During their explanations, such low level problems will not be explained.


4.4.1 Day of week and Date matching functions


In the example input below, date of appointment is given in long day format. In order to insert an absolute value into the calendar database, we need to convert this long date format to the form of day, month and year. This operation is handled by day of week function.


�Pazar aliyle cananda toplantı var� (there is a meeting with ali at canan, sunday)


Another important job of DOW function is in the query sentences. When a query sentence like below is entered in TuSA prompt, the answer should contain a long day format. Please refer to execution of TuSA chapter for more information.


Last and most important usage of DOW function is in the recurring events. As it is previously discussed in recurring events section, some monthly and yearly recurring events can keep day in long format. In such a case, querying functions should check for the long format of the day.


Date matching function uses DOW function to see if those two dates are equal for long day format. On the other hand, date matching function can return the relation of two given dates like first is later, or first is earlier than the second one. This kind of matching is needed while querying a date slice or recurring events. For example, to query a recurring event with a final date, we need to query each occurrence of the recurring event by date increasing function. But we should stop our search just after reaching the final date or the date we are seeking, else we would search infinite probabilities.


4.4.2. Day increaser & Time increaser functions


For many reasons we need these functions. Time increaser increases the given hour, day, month and year. Each of these fields are critical. For example, if a relative time phrase like �oniki saat sonra toplantı var� (there is a meeting in 12 hours)is inserted just before the new year, TuSA should calculate the absolute date of this appointment for next year. In any case if the date information is missing for an entry, TuSA automatically fills these missing variables, to make system more robust, as previously discussed in date phrases.


Day increaser on the other hand is useful for recurring events to check each occurrence of the event, or to convert any relative date phrase to an absolute date phrase.


4.4.3. Search Functions


In any case of querying an information, e.g. querying a person, TuSA needs to call these functions. Since each information is categorized under the semantic representation, TuSA only searches the appropriate fields. For example searching the meetings with Ali is only done for person field in our semantic representation.


Result set of these searching functions are the id numbers of the records. On the current system, these search functions are used under the query and deletion sentences, so these id numbers in the result set are either printed to the screen by formating the appointment informations or deleted immediatly. But these functions are ready for further usage such ase moving an appointment to another date.


A user can search the following fields in TuSA:





        Subject of appointment




4.4.4. Question Functions


Different than search functions we have implemented question sentences. Search functions are used to answer the imperative query sentences, but for the query sentences with question words, we have implemented different functions. Because most of the time imperative query sentences, queries the entire appointment, or deletes the entire appointment. But question phrases are used to collect some information. For example the question word �Kim� (who) is used to find a set of person. Here the term �set� is important, because if a user queries our database and asks the person names of next weeks appointments, than our answer should contain one member from each name. If user has three meeting with �ali� for example, we should show �ali� only one times, which is inappropriate for imperative query sentences.


On the other hand sometimes question phrases do not query an information from the appointments. For example �Ka�� (how many) is such a question phrase. The queried information for this kind of question phrases can be answered by some special functions executed over the appointments.


4.5. Execution of TuSA

4.5.1. Data insertion to TuSA


User inserts the sentence �Haftaya ona iki kala arkadasim Aliyle komsumuz Cananda yedi saatlik yemekli bir toplanti var� (Next week, at two to ten, we have a diner with my friend Ali at our neighbor Canan for seven hours)usingthe XPCE input screen offered by TuSA


The sentence is sent to Syntax analyzer (starting from TS predicate explained in Section 2) for matching each word or word group to phrases. During this matching process TS tries lots of predicates in the program and except one of them ends with failures like a matching try of �Haftaya� (next week) to person, location,�All these tries ends with a matching like the Date phrase in the example. In most of the cases, more than one predicate (Zu)has to be checked in order to match or mismatch the word to that phrase. In this example, although �Haftaya� is a word that can be accepted by one of the Zu predicates, it doesn�t match the first of them Zu GAY. In order to come over these drawbacks TuSA checks the same word in all 8 different Zu predicates. After these checks, it concludes whether it matches the date phrase or not.

Syntax analyzer stops execution when all words are matched to phrases.

After syntax analyzer returns the results in the form shown in Table 4, semantic representation of the sentence is constructed. The below example shows how a word group is translated into semantic representation.


komsumuz Cananda� (at our neighbor Canan) is the input for TS in this case.

TS searches until reaching person phrase without any match andtries to satisfy person phrase. In this case Canan is naturally a person phrase because it is a proper-noun. TS searches for three different sub-functions and finds the Person Anything Propernoun at the end. TS ignore Anything part (in this case �komsumuz� (our neighbor) is ignored). But there is one more check to satisfy this condition. TS checks for its suffixes. (In this case Canan (proper noun root) + -da (Locative suffix)). It does not accept this word group as a person phrase because there is no suitable person phrase definition. Only definitions on proper noun in person phrase are


Person Propernoun(without any suffixes) Person Propernoun(with relative)


So TS continues to search for other phrases and finds the location phrase. In this case TS satisfies the location phrase because it accepts the Location -> Anything Propernoun (locative)


So the semantic of input word �komşumuz Cananda� (our neighbor Canan) is returned to TS. In this case semantic of this word is [komsumuz ,Canan]


and TS yields out the following semantic representation:




takvim(id of this record, minute, hour, day , month , year , location, person, subject, duration, duration unit).


Some comments on semantic:


Id is an automatically incremented value to keep each meeting unique. All minute, hour, day, month and year is calculated by simple arithmetic operations. For instance, if the input is relative time (e.g. �ikibin saat sonra� (after two thousand hours)), TuSA gets current time from operating system, converts 2000 hours to year, month, day and adds this value to current time, and makes arrangements for increment operation (some times day value is bigger than 30 for example so it get mod. 30 for day and adds division to month etc.)).

Input in Turkish



Phrase name


Next week



ona iki kala

at two to ten



arkadaşım Aliyle

with my friend Ali



komşumuz Cananda

at our neighbor Canan



yedi saatlik

for seven hours



yemekli bir toplantı

a diner




there is



Table 4.10 Parsing Phrases during execution

Location, person and subject fields are lists. As discussed before, it is possible to enter several words to these areas. So we keep them as list to hold this kind of input. Duration is kept as an integer value and duration unit keeps the unit of this duration (minute, hour, day, month or year) If it is a very high number (greater than 100), it is automatically converted to a higher unit.

This semantic output is saved on a file. This file can be used as a relational database itself, because of the nature of Prolog.


4.5.2. Querying in TuSA

TuSA can be used not only for inserting the appointments but also querying. Again the same graphical user interface is used for getting the user�s query sentences. For instance, if the following sentence is given,


Haftaya Aliyle olan yemekli toplantıları g�ster

(Show the dinners with Ali)


The program first converts the sentence to semantic representation explained in section 2.4.1 and yields out the following semantic


This semantic representation is used as a template and the program tries to find word or word groups for each empty phrase location over the database file. In this process the elimination of the records is done by using the phrases in the semantic representation.


If any result is found, they are shown in the following format to the user:







Tarih:22/Kasim/2002|09:58|Cuma (Date:22/Novenber/2002|09:58|Friday)

Kisi: arkadasim ali (Person:my friend ali)

Yer:komsumuz Canan

(Location: Neighbor Canan)

Konu:yemekli bir toplanti (Subject: Dinner)

Suresi:7 saat (Duration: 7 hours)



takvim(11,9,58,22,11,2002,[komsumuz,canan], [arkadasim,ali],[yemekli,bir,gorusme],7,'saat').




5. Environment Specifications


Programming Language: Prolog is used as the programming language, which consist of first order predicate calculus and it can be used as a relational database byits nature.

Developing Environment: SWI-Prolog which is developed at University of Amsterdam is used as the programming environment. XPCE is used as the graphical user interface module.

Operating System: Swi-Prolog is an open source programming environment so it can run almost every operating system, but TuSA is tested under only Windows 98/2000 and Linux. I should inform you about the Turkish character set problems under Linux.


6. Conclusion


TuSA, Turkish Speaking Assistant is an initiative in its area which is implemented for storing appointment information using Turkish natural sentences and can cooperate with the applications based on the same infrastructure developed by �etinoğlu[2]. TuSA is an ongoing application and new additions will be done until a web interface, MS Outlook synchronization and phonetic usage are added to it. The chosen language, environment and the extendibility of the code will ease the desired additions.

The general information and usage examples and milestones can be accessed via TuSA homepage( on the internet.






[1] Covington, Micheal A., Natural Language Processing for Prolog Programmers, Chapter 1, Prentice-Hall Inc, New Jersey, 1994

[2] �etinoğlu �zlem, A Prolog Based Natural Language Processing Infrastructure for Turkish, M.S. Thesis, Boğazi�i University, 2001

[3] Microsoft Outlook,

[4] Computing Machinery and Intelligence (Mind, Vol. 59, No. 236, pp. 433-460)

[5] ELIZA � a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine ,   Joseph Weizenbaum  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge ,ACM Press New York, NY, USA, Pages: 23 � 28, Periodical-Issue-Article, Year of Publication:1983, ISSN:0001-0782

[7] KOrganizer, KDE,

[8]libical, Software Studio, T�rk Dilbilgisi. Dil - Sesbilgisi - Bi�imbilgisi - C�mlebilgisi.(Turkish grammer, phonetics, morphology, syntax)

[9] �lk�, Vural: Affixale Wortbildung im Deutschen und T�rkischen. Ein Beitrag zur deutsch-t�rkischen kontrastiven (Grammatik Morphology in German and Turkish roots). DTCF Press No: 294. Ankara. 1980

[10] Ediskun, Haydar: Remzi Kitabevi. İstanbul. 1985

[11] Gencan, Tahir Nejat: Dilbilgisi. G�zden Ge�irilmiş IV. Baskı. (Grammer, 4th edition) T�rk Dil Kurumu Press: 418. Ankara. 1979.

[12] Oflazer, Kemal: Turkish Natural Language Processing Initiative : An Overview, TAINN, 1994



APPENDIX 1 � Syntax Groups

Simple Syntax Group:


Sample Sentence


S->Konu Fiil

toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 7, 5, 2003, _, _, [toplanti], _, _)

S->Kisi Fiil

alileri goster

takvimsem(_, _, _, _, _, _, [ali], _,_, _, _)

S->Yer Fiil

okuldakileri goster

takvimsem(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, [okul], _, _, _)

S->Yer Kisi Fiil

okuldaki alileri bul

takvimsem(_, _, _, _, _, _, [ali], [okul],_, _, _)

S->Kisi Konu Fiil

aliyle toplantı var

takvimsem(_, _, _, _, _, _, [ali], _,[toplanti], _, _)

S->Yer Konu Fiil

okulda toplantı var

Takvimsem(_, _, _, _, _, _, _,[okulda],[toplanti], _, _)

S->Kisi Yer Konu Fiil

aliyle cananda toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 7, 5, 2003, [ali], [canan], [toplanti], _, _)

S->Yer Kisi Konu Fiil

canandaki aliyle olan toplantılari bul

takvimsem(_, _, _, _, _, _, [ali], [canan], [olan,toplanti], _, _)



Timing Syntax Group:


Ornek Cumle


S->Zamanalti Konu Fiil

onda toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 10, 7, 5, 2003, _, _, [toplanti], _, _)

S->Zamanalti Kisi Konu Fiil

on ellide aliyle toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 50, 10, 7, 5, 2003, [ali], _, [toplanti], _, _)

S->Zamanalti Yer Konu Fiil

on bucukta okulda toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 30, 10, 7, 5, 2003, _, [okul], [toplanti], _, _)

S->Zamanalti Kisi Yer Konu Fiil

onbeş kırkbeşte cananla taksimde toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 45, 15, 12, 5, 2003, [canan], [taksim], [toplanti], _, _)

S->Zamanalti Yer Kisi Konu Fiil

ona ceyrek kala okulda aliyle toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 45, 9, 7, 5, 2003, [ali], [okul], [toplanti], _, _)

S->Zamanustu Zamanalti Konu Fiil

on mart ikibinellide on ellide toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 50, 10, 10, 3, 2050, _, _, [toplanti], _, _)

S-> Zamanustu Konu Fiil

yarin toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 8, 5, 2003, _, _, [toplanti], _, _)

S-> Zamanustu Kisi Konu Fiil

haftaya aliyle toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 14, 5, 2003, [ali], _, [toplanti], _, _)

S-> Kisi Zamanustu Konu Fiil

aliyle haftaya toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 14, 5, 2003, [ali], _, [toplanti], _, _)

S-> Zamanustu Kisi Yer Konu Fiil

iki gun sonra aliyle alilerde toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 9, 5, 2003, [ali], [canan], [toplanti], _, _)

S-> Zamanustu Yer Kisi Konu Fiil

haftaya taksimde aliyle toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 14, 5, 2003, [ali], [taksim], [toplanti], _, _)

S-> Zamanustu Zamanalti Yer Kisi Konu Fiil

onunda onda okulda aliyle toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 10, 10, 5, 2003, [ali], [okul], [toplanti], _, _)

S-> Zamanustu Zamanalti Kisi Yer Konu Fiil

yarin onikide canan ile taksimde yemek var

takvimsem(_, 0, 12, 9, 5, 2003, [canan], [taksim], [yemek], _, _)

S-> Zamanustu Zamanalti Kisi Yer Konu Fiil

onikisinde saat onikide aliyle taksimde toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 12, 12, 5, 2003, [ali], [taksim], [toplanti], _, _)


Duration Syntax Group:


Ornek Cumle


S->Duration Konu Fiil

iki saatlik toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 9, 5, 2003, _, _, [toplanti], dur(2, hour), _)

S->Zamanustu Duration Konu Fiil

yarin on dakikalik yemek var var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 10, 5, 2003, _, _, [toplanti], dur(10,minute), _)

S->Zamanustu Zamanalti Duration Konu Fiil

yarin onda yarim saatlik toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 10, 10, 5, 2003, _, _, [toplanti], dur(30, minute), _)

S->Zamanustu Zamanalti KisiDuration Konu Fiil

on ocak ikibinde on bucukta aliyle yarim saatlik g�r�şme var

takvimsem(_, 30, 10, 10, 1, 2000, [ali], _, [gorusme], dur(30, minute), _)

S->Zamanustu Zamanalti YerDuration Konu Fiil

on gun sonra onbirde okulda yarim saatlik toplantı var.

takvimsem(_, 0, 11, 22, 5, 2003, _, [okul], [toplanti], dur(30, minute), _)

S->Zamanustu Zamanalti Kisi Yer Duration Konu Fiil

on ocak ikibinde on bucukta aliyle okulda yarim saatlik g�r�şme var

takvimsem(_, 30, 10, 10, 1, 2000, [ali], [okul], [gorusme], dur(30, minute

), _)


Recurring Syntax Group:


Ornek Cumle


S-> Recurring Konu Fiil

haftada bir toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 12, 5, 2003, _, _, [toplanti], _, recur(gun, 7, _, _, _, _, _, _))

S-> Recurring Yer Konu Fiil

her iki ayda bir ayin ikinci gununde okulda toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 12, 5, 2003, _, [okul], [toplanti], _, recur(month, 2, _, 2, _, _, _, _))

S-> Recurring Kisi Konu Fiil

haftada bir aliyle g�r�şme var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 12, 5, 2003, [ali], _, [gorusme], _, recur(gun, 7, _, _, _, _, _, _))

S-> Zamanustu Recurring Konu Fiil

on ocak ikibinden sonra haftada bir toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 10, 1, 2000, _, _, [toplanti], _, recur(gun, 7, _, _, _, _, _, _))

S-> Zamanustu ile Zamanustu arasında Recurring Konu Fiil

on ocak ikibin ile on mart ikibin arasında haftada bir toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 10, 1, 2000, _, _, [toplanti], _, recur(gun, 7, _, _, _, 10, 3, 2000))

S-> Zamanustu ile Zamanustu arasında Recurring Yer Kisi Konu Fiil

on ocak ikibin ile on mart ikibin arasında her temmuzun birinci pazartesisi okulda aliyle toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 10, 1, 2000, [ali], [okul], [toplanti], _, recur(year, 1, 7, 1, pazartesi, 10, 3, 2002))

S-> Zamanustu ile Zamanustu arasında Recurring Konu Fiil

on ocak ikibin ile on mart ikibin arasında haftada bir ikiser saatlik toplantı var

takvimsem(_, 0, 8, 10, 1, 2000, _, _, [toplanti], dur(2, hour), recur(gun, 7, _, _, _, 10, 3, 2000))


Question Syntax Group:


Ornek Cumle


S-> Kisi Questionphrase Konu Fiil

aliyle nerelerde toplantı var

No semantic for questions.

S-> Yer Questionphrase Konu Fiil

okulda kimlerle toplantı var

S-> Zamanustu Questionphrae Konu Fiil

haftaya kiminle toplantı var

S-> Questionphrase Konu

kimlerle toplantı var