JAVA Script Tutorial:
Java Script is a client-side scripting language, you can embed your codes into HTML tags. There are no similarities bu names between java and javascript.

Object Oriented Programming:

What is an object. Property. Method. Relations between objects.

Following is a simple Java Script example:
<script language="javascript">
alert("Welcome to my world!!!");
as you can mention there is a special HTML tag called <script> ... </script>

which includes java script codes. In this example our java script, pops up a message box and types "Strategic Web Technologies" in it. This is a very simple example, that invokes a function named alert and gives a simple string as a parameter to it.

Another example would be:
document.write("Strategic Web Technologies");
This code simply inserts the text given as a parameter to document.write method. You would use the logic behind this scripting as following example:
Above example is a simple addition operation. We have declared 2 variables, myvalue1 and myvalue2. Assigned values to these variables. Add them up and put the value to variable result. And print the value of result by the previos function document.write. Document is an object and write is the method of this object.

There are 3 types of boxes in JavaScript language.
1. alert box as we have already mentioned.
2. confirm box
3. prompt box
So confirm box would be used as following:
if (confirm("Do you agree")) {alert("You agree")} else{alert ("You do not agree")};
As well as the following prompt box:
username=prompt("Please enter your name","Enter your name here");
Can you write a script that can add 2 values inserted in prompt boxes

a=2; a++;
a=2; a--;
a=2; b=3; c=a+b;
a=2; d=a+6;
Full=First+" "+Last;

a=3    (2+1)
a=1    (2-1)
c=5    (2+3)
d=8    (2+6)
Full=Henrik Petersen
a=14  (2*7)
b=4    (20/5)
c=8    (4*2)
d=2    (20/10)

Operators: ++ , --, %

Conditional operators:==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

if, else, else if

&&, ||, !


function myfunction()
alert("Welcome to my world!!");

<form name="myform">
<input type="button" value="Hit me" onClick="myfunction()">




<!-- Beginning of JavaScript -

function MsgBox (textstring) {

alert (textstring) }

// - End of JavaScript - -->





<INPUT NAME="text1" TYPE=Text>

<INPUT NAME="submit" TYPE=Button VALUE="Show Me" onClick="MsgBox(form.text1.value)">




This example has an important improvement. There is a form that is fully functional, and this form is accessed by the object oriented manner: form.text1.value

another important improvement is the usage of function.




<!-- Beginning of JavaScript -

function changecolor(code) {

document.bgColor=code }

// - End of JavaScript - -->





<input type="button" name="Button1" value="RED" onclick="changecolor('red')">

<input type="button" name="Button2" value="GREEN" onclick="changecolor('green')">

<input type="button" name="Button3" value="BLUE" onclick="changecolor('blue')">

<input type="button" name="Button4" value="WHITE" onclick="changecolor('white')">




Another good example.



<TITLE>Chapter 3, If-then statements</TITLE>


<!-- Beginning of JavaScript -

function password() {

Ret = prompt('Type the word castle',"");

if(Ret=="castle") {

location = 'ch03_1.htm';

} else {

alert("Please try again")



// - End of JavaScript - -->




<A HREF="javascript:password()">

<IMG SRC="pict1.gif" NAME="pic1" ALT="about us!" BORDER="0" align="left"></A>

<H3>Click the image to enter a password protected document. Try a wrong entry first.</H3>



Password Protection example. If you put a second parameter into prompt function than this second parameter will be placed into the text box by default.